Saturday, November 7, 2009

One more into the fold!

Last week my friend Chris, who is the director of our TNT girls, pulled me out of the Sparks group to talk to me. I, at first, thought something was wrong with Lauren. But then Chris held up a decision card. The little girl we have brought to AWANA since Kindergarten, she is a fifth grader now, asked the Lord to be her Savior. I was so excited. Personally, it was the encouragement I needed to keep pressing forward. It was also exciting for Lauren to see a friend come to know the Lord.

We have brought several kids to AWANA over the years. A few have been saved but it is always a long process. A young man, who is a friend of Harry's, started coming on Wednesday nights with us about 5 years ago. He now rides the bus but he also got saved last year.

However, the little guy Levi invited 2 years ago and has come to Sunday School and AWANA with us has moved. My heart ached as I dropped him off for the last time last week. His Mom didn't even come to the door to say good-bye. I so wanted to encourage her to find an AWANA group in her new location. But I will have to entrust his little heart to the Lord and know that someone will find him and continue the work we have already done.

Levi has a new friend at school. His name is Dylan and Levi would like to invite him to AWANA. Levi went over to play at the young man's house last week, so maybe this week would be a good week to invite him. His family is definitely one we could reach out to. I am so excited about a new family to reach. One advantage of my kids going to school is the opportunity we have to meet others in the community that I just didn't seem to have when we homeschooled.

My kids are always excited about bringing their friends. Harry calls several of his friends each week to ask if they want to go to youth group. They seem to go in sperts of several weeks wanting to come and then for awhile not. Satan just seems to continually get in there and keep them from hearing the word.

Just one more thing. I love my van. Thank you Lord for providing it. It is the only way I would be able to bring so many kids to church. Many weeks I have pulled up to the front of the church and just had kids pour out of my van much like a clown car at a circus. Thank you Lord for your provision.

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